Terms of Use
TERMS: Orders will be processed on an open account, after a good credit rating has been obtained. Request a credit application to obtain your credit rating. All other orders will be cash or COD. A service charge of 1 1/2% per month (or .50 minimum) on all accounts over 30 days past due. Past due account payments will be applied to service charges first and then to the past due invoices. Visa, Mas- tercard and Discover also accepted.
PRICES: ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. All shipments are billed at prices prevailing at time of shipment. All prices are quoted as unassembled units and FOB Sioux Falls. Dealer discounts are available to those who qualify.
CHARGED INVOICES: A $5 handling charge will be added to all charged sales that do not exceed $20 List price, exclusive of transportation and insurance charges.
SALES TAX: All orders picked up or shipped are subject to South Dakota Sales Tax. Goods to be resold will be exempt, if we have your tax exemption number on file.
CLAIMS: All claims as to prices, terms, or service must be made within 5 days of invoice date otherwise will be consid- ered VOID. All orders picked up and signed for by a customer or customers agent are considered complete as signed. The customer will receive a copy of the signed order at the time of loading. On open accounts the invoice will follow shortly.
COLLECTION CHARGES: Any and all expenses involved in collecting past due balances will be added to the balance due, and the debtor agrees to pay such charges.